Pioneer Presbyterian Church
Second Sunday of Easter
10 a.m. April
24, 2022
ChoIR Introit
Prayer of the Day
*Call to Worship
Astonishing Good News! A surprise
beyond expectation!
Christ is alive! He has risen
The grave could not contain him!
And the news cannot be hidden!
Come, let us worship the risen Lord!
We offer Jesus our devotion with
shouts of joy and thanksgiving!
*Hymn of Praise: “Christ is Alive!” Glory #246
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
God of resurrection life and power: We confess the many ways
that fear continues
to rule our hearts. We fear death, and so
we do not take the risks of faith you call
us to. We fear the opinion of others, so
we are silent when we ought to speak. We
fear rejection, so we do not reach out in
love to the people you call us to serve. We
fear a loss of status, so we do not humble
ourselves in the Jesus way. We fear for
the future and so we try vainly to assert
control for ourselves. Forgive us for
forgetting your love and allowing fear to
control our thoughts and actions. Day by
day, give us grace to leave the tombs of
fear and to live in glorious hope, through
Jesus our living Savior, Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Friends, God did not send his Son into the
world to be its judge, but to be its Savior.
We rejoice in the good news: In Jesus
Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God!
Passing the Peace
The peace of the Lord Jesus
Christ be with you!
And also with you!
Let us share the peace of Christ
with each other.
Glory be to the Father
Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the
beginning, is now and ever
shall be, world without end. Amen.
Time with Children
Choir Anthem "We Beheld His Glory" by Chris Macken & Robert Sterling
Gospel Lesson: John 20:19-31 Page 945 in Pew Bible
Message: “An
Undoubted Hero” Pastor Daryl R. Wilson
*Hymn of Response: “Abide
With Me” (verses 1-4) Glory #836
Prayers of the People and
the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy
be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
our debts as we forgive our debtors. And
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the Kingdom and
the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Call to the Offering
*Grateful Response:
Praise God from whom all
blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below;
Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*Prayer of Dedication
*Closing Hymn: “We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight” Glory #817
*Charge and
Go forth in the
resurrection power of Jesus Christ!
Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen.
*Please stand as you wish
4/24 Deacon’s meet following the morning service
4/26 Great Figures of the New Testament at 7:00
4/30 Jennifer Schirm’s Memorial Service, @ 12:00
p.m. -
at Glory Days Pizza following service
For the people of Ukraine; Ralph Sawyer who
continues to improve at home; Larry Koskela with Shingles; Somer Bauer undergoing cancer treatments;
Darlene Wingfield, Mary and Ray Swarthout, George and Joyce Sahlberg, and
Margaret Dunbar dealing with declining health issues. Our thoughts and prayers
are with our friends and family near and far.
LECTIONARY For 5/1/22:
Acts 9:1-6(7-20) and Ps. 30 or Isa. 6:1-3
and Ps. 90:13-17; Rev. 5:11-14; John 21:1-19 |
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